Reatom is a framework-agnostic state manager, and you can use it with various adapters for different frameworks. This guide provides a common usage with React.js, as it is the most commonly used view library currently.
Create new project from template
The base template project includes Vite, TypeScript, React and Reatom ecosystem:
You could try it online: codesandbox , stackblitz , gitpod
To setup it in your machine you can use degit package.
npx degit github:artalar/reatom-react-ts PROJECT-NAME
npm install
npm run dev
Add to existing project
With React
You need to set up the main context and put it into the provider at the top of your application.
import { createCtx } from ' @reatom/core '
import { reatomContext } from ' @reatom/npm-react '
import { Main } from ' ./path/to/an/Main '
const ctx = createCtx ()
export const App = () => (
< reatomContext.Provider value = { ctx } >
< Main />
</ reatomContext.Provider >
The useAtom
function allows you to have an experience similar to useState
, but with shared atom state.
const nameAtom = atom ( ' Joe ' )
const greetingAtom = atom ( ( ctx ) => ` Hello, ${ ctx . spy ( nameAtom ) } ! ` )
const Greeting = () => {
const [ name , setName ] = useAtom ( nameAtom )
const [ greeting ] = useAtom ( greetingAtom )
return (
< br >
What is your name?:
< input value = { name } onChange = { ( e ) => setName ( e . currentTarget . value ) } />
</ br >
< h1 > Hello { greeting } ! </ h1 >
Also, you can create computed atoms (kind of selectors) right inside useAtom
const nameAtom = atom ( ' Joe ' )
const Greeting = () => {
const t = useTranslation ()
const [ name , setName ] = useAtom ( nameAtom )
const [ greeting ] = useAtom ( ( ctx ) => ` ${ t ( ' common:GREETING ' ) } ${ ctx . spy ( nameAtom ) } ! ` , [ t ])
return (
< br >
What is your name?:
< input value = { name } onChange = { ( e ) => setName ( e . currentTarget . value ) } />
</ br >
< h1 > { greeting } ! </ h1 >
This is very basic functionality of reatom-react bindings, see more in @reatom/npm-react package documentation